Retrieve SNP pairwise LD from LDlink database
targetSnp = "",
population = "EUR",
windowSize = 50000,
method = "download",
genomeVersion = "grch38",
max_count = 3,
token = "9246d2db7917"
target SNP, support dbSNP IP.
Supported population is consistent with the LDlink, which can be listed using function LDlinkR::list_pop()
Window around the highlighted snp for querying linkage disequilibrium information. Default:500000
The same as fetchContent function, can be chosen from "download", "curl", "GetWithHeader".
"grch38"(default) or "grch37".
To prevent download failure due to network fluctuations, max number of connection attempts.
Ldlink token, default: "9246d2db7917"
A data.table object.
# snpLD <- retrieveLD_LDproxy("rs3", windowSize=5000)