Download summary statistics data for eQTLs with genome positions.
(character) name of chromesome, including chr1-chr22, chrX.
(integer) lower base pair location threshold, expressed as an integer
(integer) upper base pair location threshold, expressed as an integer
(numeric) lower p-value threshold, can be expressed as a float or using mantissa and exponent annotation (0.001 or 1e-3 or 1E-3)
(numeric) upper p-value threshold, can be expressed as a float or using mantissa and exponent annotation (0.001 or 1e-3 or 1E-3)
(character) gene symbol or gencode id (versioned or unversioned are both supported).
(character) options: "auto","geneSymbol" or "gencodeId". Default: "auto".
(character) all supported tissues can be listed using "ebi_study_tissues".
(character) name of studies can be listed using "ebi_study_tissues".
(integer) number of records fetched per request (default: 1000).
a logical value indicating whether to return the genome location(GTEx v7) of variants. Default: FALSE.
A data.table object
# \donttest{
eqtlAssos <- xQTLdownload_eqtlAllAssoPos(chrom = "chr11",
pos_lower=101400000, pos_upper = 101400013,
tissueLabel="Brain - Cerebellar Hemisphere",
# }