Compare P-values reported to P-values calculated from Z statistics derived from the reported beta and standard error.
binCutLogP = 4,
binNumber = 2000,
distribution_func = "pnorm",
axis_text_size = 1.3,
axis_title_size = 1.3,
title_size = 1.4,
title_text = "",
point_color = "#5A90BE"
A data.frame with three cols: pval, beta, se.
To speed up the rendering process of the plot for tens of millions of GWAS variants, variants with a p-value below a specified threshold (binCutLogP) are randomly sampled for display.
The number of points randomly selected for plotting.
"pnorm"(default) or "pchisq"
(numberic) text size of the axis labels
(numberic) text size of the axis title
(numberic) text size of the title of the plot
(character) title of the plot
a list containing a data.frame of estimated pvalues and A ggplot2 object
# \donttest{
url1 <- "http://bioinfo.szbl.ac.cn/xQTL_biolinks/xqtl_data/gwasDFsub_MMP7.txt"
sumDT <- data.table::fread(url1, sep="\t")
xQTLvisual_PZPlot(sumDT[,.(pValue, beta, se)], distribution_func="pchisq")
# }