This function is rebuilt from locuscompare.R
highlightSnp = "",
population = "EUR",
posRange = "",
legend = TRUE,
ylim = NULL,
legend_position = c("topright", "bottomright", "topleft"),
point_color = NULL,
axis_text_size = 1.3,
axis_title_size = 1.3,
title_size = 1.4,
xlab_text = "",
ylab_text = "",
title_text = "",
snpLD = NULL
A data.frame or a data.table object. Four columns are required (arbitrary column names is supported):
Col 1
. "snps" (character), , using an rsID (e.g. "rs11966562");
Col 2
. "chromosome" (character), one of the chromosome from chr1-chr22;
Col 3
. "postion" (integer), genome position of snp.
Col 4
. "P-value" (numeric).
Default is the snp that with lowest p-value.
One of the 5 popuations from 1000 Genomes: 'AFR', 'AMR', 'EAS', 'EUR', and 'SAS'.
Genome range that you want to visualize (e.g. "chr6:3e7-7e7"). Default is the region that covers all snps.
(boolean, optional) Should the legend be shown? Default: TRUE.
set the minimum and maximum values for the y-axis. By default, the function will automatically determine the y-axis limits based on the data being plotted.
(character, optional) Either 'bottomright','topright', or 'topleft'. Default: 'bottomright'.
(character, optional) Customized color vectors (5 kinds of colors).
(numberic) text size of the axis labels
(numberic) text size of the axis title
(numberic) text size of the title of the plot
(character) Lable for x-axis
(character) Lable for x-axis
(character) Title of the plot
A data.frame of LD matirx. Default is null.
A list containing data.table and ggplot object.
# \donttest{
# For GWAS dataset:
gwasDF <- fread("https://gitee.com/stronghoney/exampleData/raw/master/gwasChr6Sub4.txt")
# Zoom in:
xQTLvisual_locusZoom(gwasDF, posRange="chr6:4.7e7-4.8e7", population ="EUR")
# For eQTL of a gene of interest (time-consuming):
eqtlAsso <- xQTLdownload_eqtlAllAsso("RP11-385F7.1", tissueLabel = "Brain - Cortex",
xQTLvisual_locusZoom(eqtlAsso[,c("snpId", "chrom", "pos", "pValue")], highlightSnp="rs4711878" )
# Zoom in:
xQTLvisual_locusZoom(eqtlAsso[,c("snpId", "chrom", "pos", "pValue")], highlightSnp="rs4711878",
# }