Quantile-quantile plot with p-values from GWAS summary statistics data
legend_p = FALSE,
binCutLogP = 3,
binNumber = 1000,
axis_text_size = 1.3,
axis_title_size = 1.3,
title_size = 1.4,
title_text = "",
point_color = "#5A90BE"
A data.frame of one col required: pval.
TRUE or FALSE, or legend position, including: top, bottom, left and right.
SNPs whose logP great than this will be binned, other than not binned.
Number of bins.
(numberic) text size of the axis labels
(numberic) text size of the axis title
(numberic) text size of the title of the plot
(character) title of the plot
(character) Color of the point, default: #5A90BE
ggplot2 object
# \donttest{
url1 <- "http://bioinfo.szbl.ac.cn/xQTL_biolinks/xqtl_data/gwas/gwasSub.txt.gz"
snpInfo <- data.table::fread(url1, sep="\t")
xQTLvisual_qqPlot(snpInfo[,.(pValue)],binCutLogP=5, binNumber=10000)
# }